Quite a profitable day down the pier actually, Matt won a tiny cow keyring on the 2p machines and me, Fish and Sam were so good at the wack-a-mouse that we were rewarded with enough tokens to claim lolly pops for us all. Horray!
The gig was really good too. Gundersons, ONSIND and The Max Levine Ensemble were all excellent and I strongly recommend you checking them out. I didn't take any photos during the gig. On the few occasions I actually remember to take my camera anywhere I always forget to use it. I was having too much fun actually watching the bands to take photos anyway. Oh well.
In other good/bad news Sam has got a temporary christmas job. Good because he might one day pay me back the £30 he owes me, but bad because it means we're probably not gonna be able to do that many more gigs untill next year. We're still gonna do some though, so if you want us to play something feel free to ask us and we'll do our best.
The next two gigs were doing are with Bomb The Music Industry!. I love Bomb, you can download all their albums for free from Quote Unquote and again I highly recommend you do (my favourites, and therefore the best, are Scrambles and Goodbye Cool World. Oh and while you're there get the new album by a band called The Wild, cos it too is mint and free to download).
Im just happy that I get to see them twice while there over here, the fact we're playing is a bonus. Look over at the gigs bit for more details. We should be playing A BRAND NEW SONG (as in a song thats new, not a cover of a song by Brand New) providing that we "nail it" in practice next week. So that's something to look forward to.
Im just happy that I get to see them twice while there over here, the fact we're playing is a bonus. Look over at the gigs bit for more details. We should be playing A BRAND NEW SONG (as in a song thats new, not a cover of a song by Brand New) providing that we "nail it" in practice next week. So that's something to look forward to.
I will leave you with a picture of a Brighton Sax Maverick...
Harry x