Tuesday, 23 November 2010


I hate winter. It's cold all the time. It's dark all the time. All I want to do is curl up in a ball with a chai tea and a mince pie and do nothing. It's all very unproductice. Im not blaming winter for any of this, I fully accept that the problem lies squarly with me but either way, I'd much rather it was summer again.

Mega Games also seem to be in a state of semi-hibernation at the minute. We've got a couple of gigs coming up but that will be it for the year. This is mainly because we've all been going back or are about to go back to our respective home-towns for visits, all at different times, plus we've all got work, then it will be Christmas, blah blah blah.

Once we get all that business out of the way we should be back to doing stuff alot more regularly. Me and Murf will have a fresh batch of holiday time to take, plus Sam's temporary christmas contract with The Man will have expired, so hopefully we'll be able to arrange a few more tours and long weekends in the new year. If you are planning on putting on any gigs in the new year you should definatly ask us to play.

We should also be recording a couple of new songs in January. They will be going on a split. Which split I'm not sure yet. That's right, we have MORE THAN ONE split planned for the next year. But with who? That shall remain an elusive secret, unless you actually ask us, in which case we'll probably just tell you.

Lots of Love,

Harry x

I will leave you with a correction

A Correction.

In a previous posting on megagamesblog.blogspot.com I incorrectly implied that the Southampton DIY Facebook page was created by one Ricky Bates. It has since some to light that said Facebook page was in  fact created by Tom off of Almeida. Megagamesblog.blogspot.com would like to apologise for any distress caused to either party by our glaring oversight.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Some shamless self-promotion...

I (Harry) have a little label that mainly releases limited edition tapes. It has a distro full of other people's tapes as well. It's called Something Honest To Dance To. Recently I released the cassette version of the new ONSIND album, which is really rather good.

It has a new website which you can reach in two different ways, pick your favourite!


I have no other news.

Harry x

Friday, 5 November 2010

This will still be rad...

Another flyer for the Bomb show in Manchester next sunday. Look! It's by that guy who does the Bangers stuff! Exciting, huh?

Last night me and Trigger tried to screenprint some patches. We failed. Turns out we had the wrong kind of white ink. HOWEVER we are gonna try again next week so hopefully we will have some lovely screen-printed patches in time for that gig. If you like scrabble (and who dosn't?) you are in for a treat.

Don't forget the first leg of us supporting Bomb The Music Industry is this Sunday (the 7th!) in Southampton. Despite the significant lack of scrabble-based Mega Games patches it is still gonna be a lot of fun so you should all come. Bring indoor sparklers! Actually don't, you'll probably get in trouble.

That show is actually part of a whole month of cool gigs in Southampton to celebrate the fact that Ricky Bates is turning 5 years old. Awe. So what other gigs are happening the month!? Well I'll tell you, via the medium of flyer.....

Pretty sweet eh? Another thing that Ricky has done that I like is make a Facebook Page for all the DIY & Punk gigs that are going on in Southampton. So that you can find out about all the sweet upcoming shows in one place, not just the ones that he's putting on. Now I'm not exactly Facebook's No. 1 fan but I think thats the kinda good, positive thing that makes it kinda-ok-i-suppose. So spread the word yeah? Or at least join the page and come to gigs and stuff.

Happy bonfire night

Harry x